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Face Recognition and its applications
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Face recognition is not necessarily a new technology. Some of the technology’s earliest roots date back to the mid 60s. Most of the times when we hear about face recognition we have in our minds security based applications for surveillance and for automated border processing. For sure surveillance and monitoring of people are one of the biggest fields that face recognition takes place but these are not the only ones.

One of the most notable examples is facial recognition for video game purposes. The NBA-2K15 video game launched in the market with the ability to scan your face and play alongside with your favourite athletes. The game utilises a stereoscopic cameras to capture the player’s face from multiple angles using 3D mapping. Although the results were sometimes less optimal the outcome is that video gaming industry is taking advantage of the face recognition technology.

Moreover, there are clever vending machines across the UK in case you have forgotten your credit card, which they can identify the person in front of the machine and link their bank account to make a transaction instantly. Many of those vending machines use facial mapping technology that enables the machines to provide or prevent distribution of certain products based on factors such as age, or dietary requirements, making it a perfect fit for schools and hospitals.

Additionally, facial recognition has established itself also in the field of cosmetics. With accessible projection technology make up artists where able to depict real-time “digital makeup” onto a model’s face. For that type of scenario 3D facial reconstruction and tracking was necessary for the “digital makeup” to be overlaid onto the moving model’s face.

Nowadays, there is a vast proliferation of online learning which provides innovative methods for educating people. Online learning provides a diversity of effective and efficient benefits compared to traditional education. The TESLA system itself is making an impact as well by implementing state-of the art facial recognition for educational authentication. TESLA makes sure along the way that privacy and robust authentication of students is met through multiple transparent layers of encryption.

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