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eAssessment – State of the Art
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assessmentAs part of researching process to know how the european universities currently done to evaluate their online students and detect the weak points in which TeSLA can improve the current situation, below there are some specific challenges for the TeSLA project.



Many universities report significant problems with the integration of their various IT systems including e-assessment systems. There are specific issues about the integration of VLE’s and Student Record Systems (SRS) where student marks are kept. TeSLA will be integrating new functionalities into these existing systems, which are already viewed as not communicating well with one another, and so this could constitute a significant challenge.

In implementing e-assessment in a university context, the following issues were also found to be very important:

  1. Security and data protection are of great important to all parties, and must be thoroughly investigated before e-assessment implementation.
  2. University regulations with respect to assessment may need to be changed to facilitate some modes of e-assessment.
  3. When employing a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) method, one power socket per student is critical, and provision must be made for the occasions when students cannot use their own device.
  4. Adequate student support and training is necessary before any high stakes assessment.

E-assessment scenarios

A number of the e-assessment scenarios identified have specific challenges for TeSLA

– Selected response and constructed response tests

Most forms of selected response systems should present few significant problems for the project, but use of systems external to the VLE, or systems poorly integrated with the VLE may present significant problems.

– e-Portfolios

The use of e-Portfolios is likely to be quite common in the learning scenarios in the TeSLA project, and the range of technologies and rights of access to various stakeholders are likely to present significant challenges.

Peer review and assessment of collaborative learning

Some approaches to peer review and collaborative learning use systems outside the university VLE, and this may constitute a problem for the TeSLA project.

All use of peer review potentially raises issues around privacy that need to be addressed. Identifying the work of individual contributors to collaborative work is always an issue, and this will also be a challenge for the TeSLA project.

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28 de March de 2016 in General Tags:
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