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Next generation eLearning
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The world changes very quickly and although it seems that we have been using  Tablets all our lives, the true is that the first iPad came into our hands only 7 years ago. Now we wonder how we did before, when there were no smartphones or tablets in our lives.

In online education it happens the same. Since the decade of the 90’s, when the first online training courses started in the so called eLearning 1.0 until today, it has rained a lot.

If eLearning 1.0 were focused on static web pages that only offered proprietary content, the change of millennium (year 2000) brought us the revolution of eLearning 2.0 which began to dazzle us with the first wikis, blogs, podcast where timidly students and teachers began to exchange information and knowledge among them.

Starting in year 2010, new technologies in mobility and the tremendous rise of social networks gave a new impetus to Online training, thus creating the eLearning 3.0 concept, where for the first time the student is at the center of education and his/her satisfaction plays a key role.

The contents are now dynamic and the interaction among all the members of the learning community is crucial for the enrichment of all of us. The concept of Flipped classroom (2007) takes now its maximum meaning here.

Anyway, even today many institutions are still in a 2.0 education model. A proof of this, talking about inter-operability, for instance, is the massive use of the SCORM standard when, for years, there are new standards recognized by the IMS consortium, such as TinCan (xAPI), more powerful and complete.

The horizon 2020 opens a new door to a new educational and revolutionary model; the eLearning 4.0.

In this context, institutions will use not only a traditional LMS, but also an entire learning ecosystem, where mobility, statistics and predictive analysis,personalized learning pathsgamification and of course, trust e-assessments authorship tools will be the pillars to settle down the future of eLearning.

Nowadays, only the most visionary and innovative institutions are facing these challenges in order to make the leap to the world of 4.0.

In this context, TeSLA project is the model to follow to promote and raise awareness of the way in which the world learns and makes eLearning 4.0 a reality.

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14 de September de 2017 in General Tags:
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