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Planning the first phase of the pilots
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TeSLA project is now starting work on the planning of the pilots, whilst at the same time the technical teams continue to work on the implementation of the TeSLA tools. The pilots are intended to help to develop the use of the tools in university contexts and to demonstrate their value in ensuring the authentication and authorship of learners during e-assessment processes.

The first set of pilots will take place between October and December 2016 in Anadolou University, the Open University of Catalonia, the Open University of the Netherlands, the Open University of the UK, the University of Jyvaskyla, the University of Sofia, and the Technical University of Sofia. This first round will be deliberately small scale, with just 600 students, the second round next year will involve several thousand students and the third and final round will involve some 20,000 students.

In these first pilots we will be principally concerned to test out the piloting procedures and the methods of communication between partners, but we will also be testing initial versions of some of the tools using an enrolment system in Moodle that will allow us to capture video, audio, and typing patterns and we will also be collecting examples of students’ assessed work (essays, presentations, dissertations etc.) to feed into the refinement of the plagiarism and forensic analysis tools.

The first pilots will take place in both blended and wholly on-line courses, covering a wide range of subject areas at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, as well as a variety of types of assessment and assessment activities. Coordinating this activity across seven universities teaching in six languages – Bulgarian, Spanish, Dutch, English, Finish, and Turkish – promises to be a challenge even on the relatively small scale of the first pilots, but this is a vital preparation step for the larger pilots to come.

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21 de June de 2016 in General Tags:
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