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Qualitative analysis of the first pilot
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The first pilot of the project is approaching. Universities started to prepare internal machinery to perform the pilots. Guidance instructions for teacher and students, new protocols and technological instruments for capturing students’ data will be in place for the pilots.

Additionally, other tools for analyzing the pilots will be completed during this month. It is crucial to develop an excellent analysis plan to evaluate the results of pilots. In the first pilot, a quantitative and qualitative analysis will be performed. First, information will be gathered related to the interaction of students and teachers with the initial version of the tools. This information will be useful to create the final version of the tools. Second, different questionnaires will be used for teachers and students to collect their opinion. Prior knowledge, technical skills, expectations of a fully online learning, instructional process of the course, or ethical and privacy concerns are some of the topics summarized on these questionnaires.

These questionnaires are intended for the pilot analysis but also for a quality point of view. Protocols to deliver assessment activities with the possibility to collect student’s data, to check identity and authorship (in the second pilot), and to be prepared for SEN students should be in place.

The questionnaires will be continuously evolving during the pilots to gather more specific details of the pilots and tools and to evaluate the advantages and challenges of the project.

David Bañeres, UOC and TeSLA project contributor

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19 de July de 2016 in General Tags:
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