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Students from Sofia University talk about TeSLA
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“TeSLA is the future of education. TeSLA is equal chance and opportunity for everyone. TESLA is trust. “

Elena Koleva, 2nd year student in Pedagogy



“I think that TeSLA will stop plagiarism or at least it will seriously scare those, who used to take their exams without any efforts. Facе and voice recognition tools definitely cannot be cheated, but if there is a genius who succeed in this, there is an additional barrier that will stop him, which really amused me – it is the Keystroke Dynamics tool. I could never thought of this tool! All this make me think that TeSLA will achieve great success, because I do not trust in anything, connected with internet, but TeSLA gain my trust because of its tools, which I have seen only in movies about secret services.”

Ralitsa Petrova, 1st year student in Social Work




“TESLA is a window to education for anyone who wants to open it.”

Mila Borisova, 2nd year student in Pedagogy



“For me TeSLA is completely anticipated project, considering the times we live in. It is very interesting to see how successful it will be.”

Lilly Krumova, 2nd year student in Pedagogy



„TESLA is proper and secure solution for better training in Bulgaria and abroad!”

Boginya Zaatri, 1st year student in Physical Education



“My participation in the project TeSLA showed me an innovative point of view towards e-assessment… I think that the system will provide greater trust to future students and make the assessment much more objective.”

Vera Nikolaeva, 2nd year student in Pedagogy


“TeSLA is hope for working and employed students because they need such support and facilitation”.

Radina, 2nd year student in Pedagogy


“TeSLA is project which would open great opportunities for all people with a busy lifestyle who would like to continue their education in a distance way. The idea of this project is great, I think TeSLA can make education more accessible.”

Victoria Georgieva, 2nd year student in Pedagogy

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21 de November de 2016 in General Tags:
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