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TeSLA: Berlin meeting – November 2016
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berlin meeting
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Last week, the six-monthly TESLA partner consortium meeting took placed in Berlin. Some new faces, some absences, but always happiness for the re-encounter once again.

Looking back on this first year almost over, it is worth to highlight four large areas that reflect the great progress and good progress of the project up to to date.
– In this first year of the project, 50% of deliverables have already been delivered, defining the bases, strategies, scope and methodology to follow for the rest of the two years.

– These bases already allow to define in concrete and precise way the conditions of exploitation and the intellectual property rights of TeSLA. Berlin has been the real starting point to agree among all parters and in the next six months, the exact conditions of exploitation of it.

– Aproximately in one month the first pilot will be finished; the first results analyzed indicate that the objectives have been met. There have been mistakes but we have learned from them, allowing to define key points to improve in order to face with success the second pilot, larger than the first one.

– Last but not least, in a month, TeSLA will be a reality with the ententega of the first prototype of operating software in Alpha version.

Just to say thanks to all of you for the great effort and encourage you to continue progressing with such good pace as so far,

protOS Team

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5 de December de 2016 in General Tags:
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