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TeSLA evaluation concerns
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Work Package 8 of the TeSLA project is focused on providing effective and timely evaluation of the technologies, pedagogies and implementation systems used in the project pilots. Evaluating the use of e-assessment technologies is essential in understanding how the complex inter-related set of tools, functionalities and behaviors operate together. Failure to do so can be detrimental to the learner experience, institutional reputation and effective operation of the learning platform.

Since the project started, WP8 has focused on developing an Evaluation Framework and a set of evaluation tools that will include staff and student surveys, focus groups, and collection of analytics. This evaluation framework has sought to focus both the individual system components alongside seeking a clear picture of how the parts of the e-assessment technology work together. A partner consultation took place in spring 2016 which gathered a range of requirements, needs and concerns relating to TeSLA system design, development, implementation, evaluation measures, and delivery to the end-user. Partners were invited to share their views on matters such as:

  • Technological concerns – stability; maintenance
  • Student support concerns
  • Faculty concerns – preparedness; involvement in curriculum & course development; professional development needs; incentives & rewards
  • Learner concerns – access to delivery systems; communication
  • Organizational concerns – quality assurance; accreditation criteria

These data were collated by the WP8 lead institution – the Open University UK. Over 100 topics and key questions were identified and further categorized and refined. The questions detailed not only the evaluation criteria that need to be considered during the course of the project but also who are considered key stakeholders in the project outcomes and evaluation. The questions were felt to capture the breadth and depth of issues from the project stakeholder groups and became a core section of the TeSLA Evaluation Framework. A second core section of the Framework was the specification of key types of trust relating to authentication and authorship. These factors were identified in the context of the TeSLA project aims and objectives.

The aim of WP8 is to use the Framework to guide the evaluation of each round of project pilots. The intention is that the project will choose to stress particular questions and issues that are relevant to the pilot stage and that these will be then discussed and agreed. The most recent output from WP8 has been an evaluation plan for Pilot 1 and the gathering of data for analysis and insight for the first pilot is already underway.

Open University of UK

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31 de October de 2016 in General Tags:
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