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TeSLA : Other related projects
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Related to TeSLA Project and under the umbrella of H2020, there are other projects and innitiatives which also deals with techonology and education to define the future of Learning 4.0:

Here, we have wanted to summarized the most relevant ones:


Similarly to Wikipedia for encyclopaedic content, SlideWiki allows to collaboratively create comprehensive OCW (curricula, slide presentations, self-assessment tests, illustrations etc.) online in a crowdsourcing manner.The project’s goal is to develop Wiki into a large-scale, accessible learning and teaching platform.


Newton is a project that integrate and disseminate innovative Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) methods and tools, to create or inter-connect existing state-of the art teaching labs and to build a pan-European learning network platform that supports fast dissemination of learning content to a wide audience in a ubiquitous manner.


InnoVal (Innovative Assessment Methods for Validation) is a project coordinated by the LLLPlatform, aiming to identify innovative and reliable assessment methods that can allow all learners to have a chance at validation, with a special focus on the needs of disadvantaged groups such as refugees and early school leavers.


Online Proctoring for Remote Examination (OP4RE) project has identified several privacy and security challenges and tries to provide answers in a practical, psychometric, legal, technical and empirical manner. To better understand and securely deploy online proctoring in higher education, this project provides an innovative approach to facilitate access to education and certification, in a way, giving users strong advantages and market competitiveness in the following specific online proctoring aspects: privacy, security, accreditability, applications, experience and validity.


Beaconing  stands for Breaking Educational Barriers with Contextualised, Pervasive and Gameful Learning and it´s a project that focus on ‘anytime anywhere’ learning by exploiting pervasive, context-aware and gamified techniques and technologies, framed under the Problem-Based Learning approach.


Private Identity as a Service (PIDaaS) is one of the projects of Horizon 2020, the most ambitious program research and innovation launched by the European Union. The aim of the project consists in take advantage of available sensors of smartphones (front camera and microphone) for secure authentication of users through biometric data, preserving their privacy. This solution provides an innovative approach to e-Services e-Commerce, e-Citizen and e-Health.


You can see them in our website, tesla-project.eu


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TeSLA is coordinated by Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 ICT Programme. This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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