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How should the TeSLA system for a trusted adaptive e-assessment look like?
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This is a very challenging question that requires a clear and precise answer. Also, the answer should contain an analysis and summarization of all the knowledge achieved during our work up to this moment on the TeSLA project. This is important, because it shapes the future functionality of the TeSLA system and TeSLA enabled Learning Management System.

The team from the Technical University of Sofia together with colleagues from LPLUS had to assemble the technical specifications and educational scenarios in one entity, generalizing this knowledge in a list of requirements for a trusted assessment system and in the form of adaptive use cases.

An approach “who-what- why” has been applied to reveal the relationship among the actors of teaching and learning processes in blended and online contexts and the TeSLA system and to clarify the purposes for their interactions. Taxonomy of trusted e-assessment tasks has been adopted as a basis for developing scenarios which have been refined further on after analyzing the practice of piloting universities related to the working e-assessment process in their institutions.

The identified system functions and constructed e-assessment use cases present a preliminary preparation step before first pilot testing of the TeSLA in real e-assessment process with students from educational participants in the project.

So, how should the TeSLA look like? – The system appearance is still forming and the future planned steps will shape it, but we already know that it is a new generation e-assessment system with capacity to be adaptable to different educational settings and with functionality leading to trust-driven mechanisms in e-assessment procedures.

Malinka Ivanova, Technical University of Sofia and TeSLA contributor.

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11 de July de 2016 in General Tags:
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