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TeSLA Technical Architecture
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Back in May 2016, a keystone technical document for the TeSLA project was delivered the “TeSLA Technical Architecture”. This document set the foundations for all the development work to be done within the project scope. This document is also the result of multiple interaction will all project’s stakeholders and deep discussions and cross-consulting between the Technical partners within the consortium.

Following on this work, Watchful Software hosted a face-to-face meeting in Coimbra (Portugal) the 21st and 22nd September 2016 where participants from UOC, LPlus, ProtOS, Watchful Software, UNamur and IMT had the opportunity to further discuss the impact of legal and security concerns on the project architecture and also to plan the next 6 months from the technical point of view. This meeting also allowed for these partners to share their views on the launch of TeSLA 1st pilot.

It’s fair to say that these meetings are key to the success of transnational projects where you can find partners spread across all Europe and with completely different expertise backgrounds. Despite the extensive use of teleconferencing tools, face-to-face interaction is fundamental to speed-up decisions and deepen discussions that, otherwise, are not so productive.

This meeting proved extremely useful to get everyone involved up to speed and to generate a work plan that includes the input and collaboration of all technical partners, taking into consideration legal, security and educational aspects.

When designing and developing a complex system like the TeSLA Framework, often occurs that the focus is set on the technical aspects of such development and to set aside other crucial facets. The goal of TeSLA project is to develop a trust e-assessment system that educational institutions can use an integrate on their educational processes and it’s important to not deviate from that.

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27 de September de 2016 in General Tags:
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