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Transnational Meeting in Finland. June 15-16, 2016
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greets from finland
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After an interesting and productive five months journey the TeSLA partners gathered in Jyväskylä, Finland for a two-day meeting in the mid-June. About 40 people from eleven countries got to enjoy the best of Finnish summer weather from the pouring rain to the warmest Nordic sun that only sets for a couple of hours during the night.

The pleasant and creative atmosphere of the meeting was built up from the beginning when the project coordinator Ana Elena Guerrero-Roldán and JYU TeSLA Project Leader Tarja Ladonlahti along with the JYU TeSLA team were welcoming the guests at the hotel in the informal gathering on Tuesday evening. The University of Jyväskylä offered the meeting great facilities by the lake and a warm welcoming words by the Vice-Rector Professor Helena Rasku-Puttonen and the Director of the Open University Dr. Jukka Lerkkanen who opened the transnational meeting on Wednesday morning.

The meeting agenda consisted of four major themes: project status update, technical development, pilot planning and quality assurance. During the first months the project coordinator UOC (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) has been building up a functioning project infrastructure with the other TeSLA partners. All the planned actions have been accomplished and a remarkable number of deliverables – total of 20 – has been finalized.

The next steps in the project will include the first round of pilots during the fall semester. This will also set up the milestones for the technical development of the TeSLA system that will be tested during the pilots. The quality aspects will be embedded throughout all the project actions as the quality assurance is seen as a responsibility of each partner, not only the quality agencies.

The efforts of the fall semester will be evaluated and discussed in the next transnational meeting in Berlin in the end of November. For now, the TeSLA project wishes you all happy summer days as the first partner countries enter the summer holiday season – but do stay tuned as the project actions continue throughout the summer!

Greetings from Finland!

University of Jyväskylä TeSLA team

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27 de June de 2016 in General Tags:
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