tesla-project April 12, 2016 General
Imagine taking a university exam in your own home, under the watchful eye of a webcam or with software profiling your keystrokes or your syntax to see whether it really is you answering the questions… Honour code versus Technology. Please, read more…
tesla-project April 5, 2016 General
What you cannot control, you have to monitor Regarding the use of your own device (BYOD) to do e-assessments indicate a span in the use of technology to combat fraud, with prevention on one end of the span and detection on the opposite end. Read more a…
tesla-project March 28, 2016 General
As part of researching process to know how the european universities currently done to evaluate their online students and detect the weak points in which TeSLA can improve the current situation, below there are some specific challenges for the TeSLA pr…
tesla-project March 22, 2016 General
TeSLA project provides to educational institutions, an adaptive trust e-assessment system for assuring e-assessment processes in online and blended environments. This project, leaded by the Open University of Catalonia and comprising 12 different count…
tesla-project March 17, 2016 General
Predictive Modeling works on constructive feedback principle. You build a model. Get feedback from metrics, make improvements and continue until you achieve a desirable accuracy. Evaluation metrics explain the performance of a model. An important aspec…
tesla-project March 16, 2016 General
Inside the profile of each “Management Team” member, there are the videos recorded during the last Kick-off in January. We leave you a preview of them below: Ana Guerrero: WPL1,WPL2 and Consortium Manager Jean-Marc Van Gyseghem: WPL3 Josep Grifo…
Editor Tesla February 5, 2016 General
Welcome to TeSLA! We are pleased to present to the educational community this ambitious and disrupting project in which key universities, research centers, and top technology and quality assurance companies are collaborating. This multidisciplinar team…
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TeSLA is coordinated by Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 ICT Programme. This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.