tesla-project July 18, 2017 General
Before it reaches the deployment phase, an open educational system like TeSLA has to be properly secured with classical measures, such as authentication, data ciphering and integrity checks, in order to mitigate cyber-attacks that may lead to disastrou…
tesla-project July 10, 2017 General
The 2017 International Technology Enhanced Assessment Conference (TEA 2017) will take place on 5-6 October 2017 in Barcelona, Spain. The International TEA is a two-day research-led conference organised by the Universitat Oberta De Catalunya (UOC) and t…
tesla-project July 3, 2017 General
Last Wednesday, June 28th, it took place in Madrid (Spain) an event to talk about how the learning technologies and e-assessments can help to develop human resources in corporations. Digitalization, customization, automation and globalization will be t…
tesla-project June 26, 2017 General
Moving towards a contemporary, qualitative, and social education system with TeSLA: the European employment market is in a phase of steady transformation. This development has been triggered by the technological nature of our age and the myriad of chal…
tesla-project June 19, 2017 General
External experts In order to ensure the reliability and fairness of evaluations and quality assurance processes, ‘Standard 2.4 Peer-review experts’ from the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) poin…
tesla-project June 5, 2017 General
Anadolu University introduced the TeSLA system to its thousands of distance learners in 2017 spring semester within the scope of 2nd pilot. Students were informed about the pilot via the virtual learning environment-Blackboard and on Facebook groups. F…
tesla-project June 2, 2017 General
Last May 18th, a TeSLA webinar took place in order to present the project to different stakeholders, share results about the pilots, show a live demo about the solution working in a real Moodle VLE and last but not least to invite all the attendees to…
tesla-project May 30, 2017 General
A set of quality standards and indicators focusing on the technological point of view has been designed to support educational institutions in the design of e-assessment as well as for the (continuous) quality assurance and enhancement of e-assessment….
tesla-project May 22, 2017 General
Almost at the end of the 2nd pilot of TeSLA Project, and after 18 months of highly productive collaborative work, a regular meeting of the project consortium was held on 9-11 of May 2017 in Sofia, Bulgaria. About 50 people from countries all over Europ…
tesla-project May 9, 2017 General
Related to TeSLA Project and under the umbrella of H2020, there are other projects and innitiatives which also deals with techonology and education to define the future of Learning 4.0: Here, we have wanted to summarized the most relevant ones: SlideWi…
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TeSLA is coordinated by Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 ICT Programme. This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.