tesla-project November 21, 2016 General
“TeSLA is the future of education. TeSLA is equal chance and opportunity for everyone. TESLA is trust. ” Elena Koleva, 2nd year student in Pedagogy “I think that TeSLA will stop plagiarism or at least it will seriously scare those, who us…
tesla-project November 14, 2016 General
One of the elements that contribute to ensuring the validity, reliability and usefulness of the external quality assurance processes is external experts (peer review). Assessments carried out by panels of external experts are based on the observation a…
tesla-project November 7, 2016 General
One of the main goals of TeSLA project is to be connected with the society and the industry. We are addressed to three main actors: educational institutions, ICT companies and research centers of ICT and education. Thus we are working for providing to…
tesla-project October 31, 2016 General
Work Package 8 of the TeSLA project is focused on providing effective and timely evaluation of the technologies, pedagogies and implementation systems used in the project pilots. Evaluating the use of e-assessment technologies is essential in understan…
tesla-project October 25, 2016 General
This has been the slogan with which protOS and TeSLA have been presented in the event SIMO Education 2016, one of the largest technology event in the educational world that has took place in IFEMA Madrid last 19-21 October. This year SIMO 2016 “Technol…
tesla-project October 17, 2016 General
In the framework of TeSLA project, ENQA is organising a seminar entitled “Social dimension of e-learning – Addressing challenges through QA” in Athens, Greece, on 12-13 December 2016. The event is hosted by the Hellenic Quality Assurance and Accreditat…
tesla-project October 3, 2016 General
Digital education has grown dramatically since early 2000’s. Education is now a global competitive market supported by the democratized access to information and digital technology innovations. However, in this new education context of blended and onli…
tesla-project September 27, 2016 General
Back in May 2016, a keystone technical document for the TeSLA project was delivered the “TeSLA Technical Architecture”. This document set the foundations for all the development work to be done within the project scope. This document is also the result…
tesla-project September 19, 2016 General
Following TeSLA project schedule, this academic course is going to start the first pilot in all seven universities involved in TeSLA. The universities are: Open University (United Kingdom) Open University of Netherland (Netherland) Anadolu University (…
tesla-project September 12, 2016 General
Technology for verifying a person’s identity based on biometric-data is now considered mature enough, and is being increasingly used in industrial applications. However, many biometric verification approaches have also been shown to be very vulnerable…
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TeSLA is coordinated by Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 ICT Programme. This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.